Charities are constantly evolving in their commitment towards life-changing goals. Whilst progress has played a big part in their success, there are still many improvements and changes that could be made to achieve an even better outcome for charities.
We are now seeing more and more people coming together to work towards achieving these improvements. Collaboration in this way has meant better and varied ideas in the different ways a charity could operate. Technology is a huge part of today’s world with most things accessible at your fingertips. We’ve rounded up just a few new technologies that have been created for charities:
Two sixth form students from Manchester are the creators of the newly launched app DonateiT. DonateiT helps charities to connect with people who have unwanted household items in order to sell them to raise money for their cause. The app was created to be free for both users and charities.
The user advertises their unwanted household item by uploading a picture along with a description. Interested charities will then arrange local pick-up with all funds raised going directly to the charity.
The app was created as part of the Apps for Good initiative, an acclaimed technology education programme that teaches young people how to build mobile and Facebook apps to solve real problems. The app will make money through featured brands and by directing users to stores where they can purchase furniture.
With over 300,000 tonnes of reusable furniture thrown away every year and an increasing demand on charities, this app is a simple way to donate to charity, protect the environment and support those in need. The app is currently only available on Google Play for Android, but watch this space for a possible App Store version compatible with Apple devices.
A new platform has been created that enables mobile phone users to add Gift-Aided donations to their phone bills. DonateToday has launched this new idea, allowing donors to give through their bill instead of entering credit card details online.
The platform is embedded on the charity’s website or social media page. It works when the user opts to make a donation, as it asks how much they wish to give through the suggested amount buttons, followed by if they would like to give a regular donation or a one-off gift. Charities that have signed up to this platform include Muntada Aid and Rainy Day Trust.
Around 250,000 people go missing each year in the UK; an alarming figure that many are not aware of. Missing People has joined forces with Proxama, a leading mobile proximity marketing expert, to promote a major new appeal, Finding Every Child. They are aiming to increase the number of missing children found and, at the same time, create opportunities for mobile users to donate to the appeal.
Proxama will use its services to deliver a Find Every Child web campaign, showing a list of missing children specific to a local area of the users’ location, giving them the opportunity to donate via text. The charity hopes this will drive action, increase the chances of missing children being found sooner, and allow an additional opportunity to raise funds.
New technologies can be incredibly helpful for achieving success at charities. At Charity Retail Systems, we are dedicated to aiding the success of charity shops through our CHARiot EPOS system.
If you would like to find out more about how we could help you, don’t hesitate to get in touch and speak to a member of our friendly team who will be happy to help.
With over thirty years of experience developing EPoS systems, Nisyst is a family-owned business whose main mission is to make technology work harder for the charity sector.
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