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It’s the final month of 2015 and we’ve got a couple of December charities we thought you should know about. It may be the middle of December, and you may see customers racing around your charity shop searching for the best Christmas present for their nearest and dearest, but there are a couple of charities you can still help during these colder months!

Human Rights Day- 10th December

Human Rights Day might have sailed past you but it’s such an important day that we couldn’t leave it out. Permanently celebrated on the 10th December, Human Rights Day commemorates the founding year of 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights!

This Year focused on “Our Rights. Our Freedoms. Always” which raised awareness of the two Covenants: the International Covenant of Economics, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights. These two Covenants make up the International Bill of Human Rights which was established fifty years ago in 1966.

Now that you know a little more, you can mark the date in your calendar for 2016!


Text Santa Christmas Jumper Day- 18th December

You may be used to seeing Red Nose Day and Children in Need posted across your television screens, but how many of you have heard of Text Santa?

First launched in 2011, the ITV-run programme has spent the past 4 years raising money for families in difficulty as well as granting the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. The charity event is filled with entertainment from our favourite celebrities over a period of 24 hours. The money raised by the programme is promised to be split equally between their chosen charities, Save the Children, Make-A-Wish UK and Macmillan Cancer Support.

On the 18th December the programme asks that you don your Christmas jumper with pride and donate to their worthy cause. This is a perfect excuse to pull on your winter woollies when serving your faithful customers!

This year’s Text Santa ad is a little bit… cheeky, so to give you a taste of the ITV show, here’s last year’s ad instead!


Decembeard- December 2015

In the previous month we talked a bit about Movember, a month where men across the world started sprouting moustaches for The Movember Foundation’s charity event. This month, it’s time to grow your beard.

Whether you’re used to sporting a 5 o’clock shadow or a lumber jacks beard, Decembeard ask that you put aside your razors and let your hair grow wild. The charity aims to raise awareness and funds for Beating Bowel Cancer, a life changing illness with one person diagnosed every 15 minutes.

Setting their sights at raising £500,000, you can help their cause with a simple donation box on your counter. 


We want nothing more than to help your store raise the money it needs for your specific charities. Our charity EPoS system is a great way to help you keep track of the items you’re selling and the money you’re raising. Watch your charity prosper, contact us today on 01204 706 000, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn or like our Facebook page for the latest news and updates!