
An EPoS that’s

A complete charity retail solution that can maximise shop productivity, help boost Gift Aid donations, and provide extensive technical support.

The future is bright

CHARiotWeb - helping
you help others

    Technology is always changing. And the charity sector is moving just as fast. Staying up-to-date with the sector can feel like a challenge, and having every advantage and tool you can get is essential. What you need is something that’s going to help you work smarter, not harder. Be more streamlined, not slowed down. Staying ahead of the curve, not playing catch up. That’s where CHARiotWeb can help. The cloud-based SaaS EPoS solution designed specifically for the charity sector.

Charity Retail Association
The voice of charity retail supplier of the year 2015 & 2017

We’re dedicated to delivering simple, cost-effective solutions that solve complex, charity-specific problems.

How can CHARiotWeb help you?

A tailored, one-of-a-kind solution

CHARiotWeb has been built to ensure your charity can be as productive and profitable as possible. From allowing you to capture 100% of Gift Aid revenue and providing easy, mobile access to up-to-date data and reports, to consistently optimising your system’s performance and security, CHARiotWeb works harder so you don’t have to.
    • A HMRC-recognised solution
    • PoS on traditional till or tablet
    • 365-day in-house support
    • Integrate your online shops
    • Versatile tablet functionality
    • Secure 100% of your Gift Aid revenue
    • Take your EPoS on the go, no matter where you are
    • Configurable dashboards and real-time reports
    • A full suite of modules to simplify daily operations
    • A simple user experience and full training for your staff and volunteers
Supported Devices


We have 3,750 supported devices making a difference in charity stores across the country.

Years supporting charities



Allowing non-profit organisations to run more efficiently for over 15 years.

Gift Aid claimed



Our customers have raised over £100m with the help of our solutions.

Revolutionise your charity retail operation

Resilient technology
that just works

    CHARiotWeb is designed to be a straightforward, flexible retail system that responds to the unique needs of the charity sector and its volunteers. Drawing on over thirty years of experience in the retail sector, we’ve designed CHARiotWeb in-house as a way to elevate your charity retail operation.


    Everything is available to all customers from day one, in an affordable monthly subscription with no hidden costs along the way. It’s never been easier to add extra functionality as you grow and evolve. Through real-time reporting, you can make informed decisions quickly and adapt to the changing market conditions even faster. And with ongoing technical support and cyber security guidance, you can ensure your charity’s long-term security and profitability.

    See stock levels, real-time reports, and how each shop is doing in one easy-to-use interface. Take the risk and time out of managing Gift Aid declarations. And benefit from seamless connectivity and compatibility across your stores and head office.

Never miss out on critical revenue

A trusted Gift Aid solution

    Charities miss out on around £600 million of funding each year due to ineffective Gift Aid collection. Up to a third of donations eligible for Gift Aid are never registered. That’s a huge amount of missed revenue that could go into boosting your cause. And it’s why CHARiotWeb includes a Gift Aid solution specifically designed to ensure you never miss out on critical revenue again.


    It only takes three clicks to submit claims to HMRC, eliminating all the tedious, time-consuming admin. This is part of our dedication to being at the forefront of the charity sector. You can rest assured we’ll always provide the most up-to-date, cutting-edge systems that allow your charity to work better than ever before.

Meet the team

Over thirty years of experience delivering innovative solutions

Nisyst is a family-owned business whose main mission is to make technology work harder for the charity sector.

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