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January is sometimes viewed as a quiet period in retailers’ calendars, but it doesn’t have to be the case. So, how do you move your charity shop forward in the post-holiday season?



In a way, January sales have become a New Year tradition. People come out to pick up the presents that they couldn’t afford or may have forgotten and retailers, as well as charity shops, can take advantage.

Having a selection of stock prepared for January bargain hunters is the best way to do this. From books to electronics, people are enticed by good deals and all you must do is make sure there is stock left afterwards.

Don’t Throw Christmas Away


The temptation to throw away all of your Christmas stock may be high or you may be putting it in storage until the festive season comes again. However, Christmas doesn’t lose its value as soon as January hits.

Many people take advantage of sales and buy Christmas decorations in January. This is great for shoppers and also for your charity store.

Donations for New Stock

People may have a lot of unwanted gifts post-Christmas which they are happy to. If you are lacking in toys or children’s wear, reach out to the local community as many parents will make way for the multitude of new clothes and gifts that their children will have received.

If you’re a charity that needs a charity retail system that meets your needs no matter the season, you can contact us and we’ll be more than happy to help.