In today’s age, when customers have so much choice in choosing the product they desire, it’s vital that your customer service is up to scratch. To ensure customer service efficiency, it is wise to use whatever tools you have at your disposal, which is where an EPoS system can come in handy.
Customer service is directly tied to any organisation’s success. Volunteers alongside employees drive the efficiency of your business. Therefore, training your volunteers to become fully knowledgeable and competent at using EPoS systems can lead to providing your customers with excellent service and satisfaction. Additionally, it can significantly improve the efficiency, management and reputation of your organisation.
EPoS systems make the transactions faster and more effective. This can greatly help your volunteers during busy days in the store, as they can serve more customers in a competent manner. If the customer knows that they will be served quickly, then they are more likely to come back to you.
EPoS systems are extremely accurate during transactions, which prevents the likelihood of customers being overcharged. When businesses rely on staff members to calculate sale transactions, they can make mistakes, which can lead to shoppers being overcharged or undercharged. This affects the customer service and the customers’ perception of the company.
A great benefit to using EPoS systems is that volunteers can monitor the level of stock if a customer is seeking a particular item. A volunteer can inform customers if they have the requested item in stock, which saves time on searching for the item manually. It’s also easy to see when an item is out of stock, which improves the management of the inventory.
EPoS systems can monitor transactions, which can be beneficial to an organisation’s understanding of how well a volunteer performs in terms of sales. EPoS systems can also take into account the transaction errors that have been made.
EPoS systems can produce performance reports on daily profit margins, so the volunteer will know which items are selling the most and which items would benefit from a discount.
Last but not least, volunteers will have a better work experience if they are trained appropriately. Training can make them feel more competent and able in their role due to them having been fully trained in EPoS systems.
There are many advantages of having your volunteers fully trained in using an EPoS system. Your organisation will have volunteers that are delivering better customer service and your volunteers will feel more confident in their roles. If you’re a charity that needs a charity retail system that works, you can contact us and we’ll be more than happy to help.
With over thirty years of experience developing EPoS systems, Nisyst is a family-owned business whose main mission is to make technology work harder for the charity sector.
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