‘Tis the season to be charitable, and with all of the amazing, hard working charities in the previous months working hard collecting for their cause, we didn’t realise how fast 2015 was coming to an end. Seriously, it feels like only yesterday we were stumbling into 2015 after amazing New Year’s Day celebrations, readying our tills and quality hospice EPoS systems for a hard years work in your stores.
Now we’re at the end of 2015, your stores may be running low on supplies- what with Christmas being only a couple of days away and all- and your tills may be over flowing with a very successful month of collecting for your chosen charities. You may have started looking towards next year and what items you need to restock before you start collecting again. You may want to go bigger than ever before for your charity and how better to ensure you keep track of your stock than with a reliable EPoS system?
We’re proud to say that we’ve thoroughly enjoyed 2015 and all it’s had to offer. More than anything, we’re proud to say that we couldn’t have had such an enjoyable -or such a successful- year without you. Thank you to all of our brand new and existing customers for making our 2015 possible. Thank you to everyone who’s stood by our sides and who’ve made us laugh. We’re happy to have made plenty of friends and helped many with their causes. We’ve done our best this year, to ensure that the systems you receive are nothing short of fantastic and without your detailed and welcomed feedback, we wouldn’t have been able to make that possible.
Though we may not know what 2016 has to offer us, we do know that we’re hoping for another successful year. We’re looking forward to seeing familiar faces and to meeting new ones. More than anything, in 2016, we’re hoping you all have a fantastic year collecting for your chosen charities.
If you need any help keeping track of your stock and how much you’re collecting, don’t hesitate to contact us on 01204 706 000.
Before we sign off for Christmas, we’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
With over thirty years of experience developing EPoS systems, Nisyst is a family-owned business whose main mission is to make technology work harder for the charity sector.
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