In our last blog, we talked about storytelling and improving communication with your audience. And not long before that, we covered how you can better engage with Gen Z. But what about your own staff and volunteers? Communicating with them is just as important. Everything we said about people outside...
Read MoreAmongst all the fundraising, charity drives, and general day-to-day jobs, it can be easy to forget what makes each charity so special. At the heart of everything you do is a good story. It could be the story of why you were founded, or the stories of the people you...
Charities can only keep doing what they do thanks to the generosity of the general public. But as we head through the years and decades, we see new generations step up and become the majority. It happened with Millennials and it’s happening now with Gen Z. These are children born...
Read MoreThe pandemic caused a real shake-up in the third sector. It forced charity shops to change how they operated overnight. But it brought about changes that were already happening anyway. Charity retail has been shifting for some time; it just came about sooner than expected. Now that we’re post-pandemic and...
Read MoreAs a charity, you’re already doing a lot of good. You’re automatically a pro-social cause, whether what you do is for the poor, the sick, animals, or anything in this vast spectrum. But when it comes to the environment, everyone in the third sector can play their part. There are...
Read MoreCharity shops are no strangers to change. You’ve adapted over the years to advances in technology and shifts in consumer needs. But just as you think you’ve found your feet, a new piece of technology, legislation, or global pandemic comes along to shake everything up. That’s the double-edged sword that...
You can’t escape the digital revolution. And the third sector is no exception. Having the right digital skills and a considered strategy is going to be crucial in this decade. But only 1 in 10 charities consider themselves to be equipped to deal with their digital future. And 88% aren’t...
Read MoreIf you follow the news, you’ve probably seen some of the latest stories about the charity sector. Worries that the cost-of-living crisis is going to affect services. Or that donations are down across the board. It’s not good to doomscroll through these stories; you miss the positives that are out...
Time is one of the greatest resources your charity has. But do you ever find yourself wishing you had more of it? Between paperwork, organising stock, serving customers, and sorting donations, it’s easy to see how the hours slip away. Before you know it, a whole week’s gone by and...
Choosing a new EPoS provider is a big decision for any charity. One that deserves a lot of thought and consideration. Just imagine your daily operations without a functioning till system and you’ll realise how important they are to your profits and success. But it can be overwhelming. With hundreds...
Read MoreWith over thirty years of experience developing EPoS systems, Nisyst is a family-owned business whose main mission is to make technology work harder for the charity sector.
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